Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How to Remove Paint from a Hunter Douglas Shade?(Sheer Vertical Blinds)

Sheer Vertical Blinds

It's amazing how fast a do-it-yourself home remodeling project can go from exciting to downright disappointing. When paint finds its way onto surfaces where it doesn't belong, it can put a real damper on a homeowner's enthusiasm. If the paint is still wet, it can usually be cleaned with nothing more than water and a rag for latex paints and a touch of mineral spirits for paints that are oil based. However, once the paint dries, it can become extremely difficult to remove. If you need to remove paint from a Hunter Douglas shade, there are a few techniques you can use that will give you the best chance at success.

Remove the Hunter Douglas shade from the window and place it on a hard surface like a table or a hard, non-carpeted floor.
Scrape away the paint using the plastic putty knife. Move to step 3 if any paint remains.

Apply olive oil to the paint on the shade using a rag. Allow the oil to loosen the paint by letting it soak in for about 10 minutes. Scrape away the paint using the plastic putty knife. Move to step 4 if any paint remains.

Apply mineral spirits to any paint on the shade using a rag. Allow the mineral spirits to loosen the paint by letting it soak in for about 10 minutes. Scrape away the remaining paint using the plastic putty knife.

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