Sheer Vertical Blinds
Any time you can beautify your home with as little work as possible--without it looking cheap--you have something to be proud of. If you are not the best seamstress, fear not--there are window treatment
- Measure the distance between the drapery hardware. Make little hash marks directly onto your tape measure to indicate their location. Add 36 inches to that measurement and record this number for the length of fabric you will need to purchase.
- Choose a sheer fabric that is relatively lightweight. Bring along an actual curtain panel the swag will be on top of (if you are adding to an existing window treatment). Choose a complementary fabric that has a print if your panel is a solid color. Choose a solid color for your swag if your panel has a print.
- Use a swag all by itself if you are addressing a designer window, or a window for which you have a shade or blind. Go for a bold pattern or color if this is the case, as this will have the most impact in your simple space.
- Lay your fabric down on the floor. Pull the tape measure out to where you can see the hash marks. Place the marked tape measure directly in the middle of the fabric.
- Bring one end of the fabric up to meet the first hash mark and secure it with a rubber band. Bring the other end up to meet the other hash mark and secure that end with a rubber band as well.
- Pick up your fabric and grab a step ladder to place under the window you will be hanging the swag in front of. Secure one rubber band to one of the hardware pieces. Secure the other end to the opposing hardware piece. Step back and observe the swag. Shift and adjust it until it is even and hangs nicely.
Source(s) : http://www.ehow.com/how_5603072_make-no_sew-sheer-fabric-swag.html
Sheer Vertical Blinds