Sheer Vertical Blinds
Vertical blinds can do a lot for a room. They add a clean and streamlined appearance as well as keep out the glaring sun that heats up the room. The blinds can also add color to the room if you go with the wooden or decorative blinds. Follow these instructions to learn how to hang vertical blinds.
Check to make sure all of the necessary hardware came with your blinds. If it did not or you did not buy the blinds, then go to a home store such as Home Depot or Lowe's. The courtesy clerks can guide you to the right spot.
Place the tape measure on the floor and measure up to your window, then add a quarter inch to this measurement. Mark this spot. This is where you will place the top screw.
Position the installation bracket 3 to 4 inches from each end of the head rail on the wall. Screw in the bracket. Install additional brackets across the handrail spaced equally apart and tighten all of the screw securely.
Decide what side you would like the control chain and traverse cord to hang on. Center the head rail to the mounting clips and insert the front lip of it into the groove located at the front of the clips. Turn the back of the head rail until it clicks in to the back of the clip and repeat for each clip.
Open the blinds so that the vane holders are spaced apart evenly. Turn the chain until the stem openings face toward you and snap in all the vanes so that the curves face the same way.
Attach the tension pulley to the bottom of your baseboard. Put the loop of your vertical cord through the top of the pulley. Pull the tension cord until the tension pulley becomes tight with a small pull on the string.
Mark the cord at this spot in the track using a pencil. Release the cord from the pulley, pull it out again and tie a knot in this spot. Put the loop back in the pulley and try to open and close the blinds. If they work properly cut the extra cord below the knot.
SOURCE(S) : http://www.ehow.com/how_2066694_hang-vertical-blinds.html
Sheer Vertical Blinds